Hong Kong Madame - English

Festive balloons!

Just a few days to go and it will be party time. Not that the last few days were particularly quiet but for New Year’s eve we’ll give it our all! Dreamy decorations and dinner, party-poppers and confetti for the countdown. And so that the evening is...

Château de sable

The name evokes holidays, beaches, seashells and crustaceans, but here we are talking about children’s clothes. We fell in love with this quality brand. Pastel colours, liberty patterns, pinks, taupes, grays or even blues. From basic to dressier;...

The perfect midwife

Giving birth isn’t always a breeze! Even if it’s an absolutely extraordinary moment, you have to admit that it’s not all easy going; especially when it’s your first child. So for ladies that who have a few apprehensions or feel anxious about it and...
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