Partner News: AD MediLink – The First Ever Maternity Conference in HK!

October 7th 2015

By Delphine
Got baby on the brain? Expecting? Already a mother? Do not miss the first–ever Hong Kong Maternity Conference organized by AD MediLink on Saturday 10 October at the JW Marriott Hotel (10am to 4:30pm).
All your questions will be answered. Which doctors to see, private/public differences, fertility treatments, genetic testing, postnatal care and support, nutrition, maternity insurance…
This event is two fold: An Exhibition Part with 15 exhibitors including the Matilda International Hospital A Conference Part including several well-known speakers such as Dr. Lucy Lord, Dr. Patrick Chan, Dr. Alexander K. Doo, Dr. Michelle Tsui, Dr. Edwin Tam, Dr. Michael Rogers and Hulda Thorey from Annerley. Do not miss this one-stop event for all things maternity related and the unique opportunity to ask all your questions to doctors and providers directly!
For more information about the event and entire list of exhibitors/speakers:
Hong Kong Maternity Conference 2015
Venue: JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway
Date: Saturday 10 October, 2015
Time: 10am to 4:30pm
Admission: FREE
Tel: +(852) 6608 0054

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