
April 6th 2017

by Aude
Spring has sprung and the junk and beach season has arrived sooner than expected (last weekend was just awesome). Not that I am complaining, I am definitely a summer girl but I may have eaten more than my share of comfort food this winter and was definitely keen on kicking off Spring with a deep cleansing. I contacted Be-Juiced and they agreed to help me with that.
The plan? A three-day juice cleanse. I’ve cleansed before so knew pretty much what to expect but went a little deeper this time starting with level two of the cleanse on day 1 and a personalised cleanse on the two next days. I must confess that the “all green” third day was definitely a challenge!
Went to pick up my first day of cleanse at Be-Juiced’s shop on Peel Street. Had a look at the healthy meals available which look super appealing but had to resist, no solid food for me.
Day 1 went super well. I am cleansing every 6 months so knew what to expect. My friends definitely think I am kinda nut but I actually really like the juices from the juice cleanses, I find them quite tasty.
I usually do not like the sweet juice that always end the day, don’t really know why but always found that juice had a strange taste but I actually really enjoyed Milkilicious – cashew, almond, cinnamon, sea salt, filtered water and agave nectar - from Be-Juiced. I found it to be the perfect treat after a day of cleanse and before going to bed.
Woke up on Day 2 super motivated and eager to carry on my healthy path. Two benefits that I always noticed when cleansing is that I really sleep like a baby and that, instead of craving chocolate or fries, I crave super ingredients (on that morning I could have killed for an avocado which was both good – craving healthy food – and bad – no solid food allowed). Day 2 also went pretty smoothly, having me drink more green juices than the day before.
And here comes Day 3. A 100% Green Juices Day. Green Juices are usually my fav in a cleanse but I must confess, having only those for a whole day was quite a challenge! Spinach, Kale and Celery at 8 am … tough! I’ve never done such a hard day before and added to the super gloomy weather (remember how gloomy it was before the glorious weather) I must say it has been a super long and quite depressing day. Not that I was hungry or craving any food, just felt like depressed and couldn’t use my usual cheer up joker: food.
At the end? Definitely feeling less tired and less bloated. Ending the cleanse really had me wanted to carry on the healthy way which is great and I really loved having some advices from Be Juiced on what to eat in the days following the cleanse. Definitely helpful.
Will I cleanse again? Hell yeah! Will you see more often at Be-Juiced for either a juice, an acai bowl or a healthy take-away meal? Definitely yes (until next winter … oupsie!)
45 Peel Street, Central

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