Hong Kong Madame - English

Little ones’ wellbeing

June 30th 2011

Being fans of pampering ourselves, we asked ourselves whether it was the same for babies. And yes, it is! Not only do they love it, we also know now that it’s excellent for them. Apparently it’s all good stuff. After birth, babies need to re-experience the in-utero sensations. It’s true, that’s where the first sensations take place. According to health professionals, it’s indispensable for their physical, psychological and emotional development. Your baby will be more relaxed and serene. The movements could also help with certain ailments such as colics and teething pains. Massages are also beneficial for their alertness and the development of their body awareness. What’s more, it’s a privileged moment with your little one. Your bonding will therefore be stronger. And that’s pure bliss. All of that to say that it’s possible to learn to massage infants. Try it out with Hong Kong Infant Massage and let us know! 
You’ll find all of the relevant information on the below website. 

Tags : birth

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